Paris Hilton Treats Her Snimals "Horribly"

Paris Hilton, who is currently serving a 45-day sentence for driving with a suspended licence, reportedly lets her menagerie of pets roam all over her neighborhood and residents have had enough.

Shelby Segall, whose yard borders Paris', told the New York Post newspaper: "She treats her animals horribly. They are always getting out and running around the neighborhood.

"She had a little orange kitty about a year ago that kept getting out and we kept telling her it was outside. She didn't seem like she cared, and then one day the cat got run over in the middle of the street and died. Not long after, little [Chihuahua] Tinkerbell came to my door and I left a note on her gate. Her assistant came over frantic and tried to offer me a $40 reward. I said, 'Don't insult me.' "

Another neighbor claims she found two of Paris' Chihuahuas running in the street and decided to take them into her house to keep them safe.

She revealed: "I found two little Chihuahuas of hers running up and down the street with cars and people going up and down. I put them in my bathroom and called Paris. Her assistant answered and said, 'You can't drop them off! Miss Hilton isn't home!' She took three hours to come get them although she only lives five houses away."

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